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Command R: Cohere's RAG-optimized LLM

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Cohere has just rolled out a new language model called Command R, specifically crafted for the business world. It's all about making AI smarter in handling big tasks, especially when there's a ton of information to deal with. Command R is especially good at long-context tasks like retrieval augmented generation (RAG) and using external APIs and tools.


What really makes Command R stand out is its blend of high accuracy in critical tasks like retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) and tool use, combined with swift processing speeds thanks to its low latency and high throughput. The model is also capable of handling long conversations with a generous 128k token context limit, making it handy for detailed interactions. Additionally, it’s competitively priced and supports ten major languages, enhancing its appeal for global businesses. For those interested in digging deeper, model weights are available on HuggingFace for research and evaluation.

You can start using Command R through Cohere's API today, and it will soon be up and running on the big cloud platforms. Cohere has made sure that keeping user data safe and secure is a top priority with this model.

Let’s dive deeper.

Embed and Rerank

Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) is transforming the way LLMs are deployed, making them not just smarter but also more connected to real-world data. This innovative approach allows enterprises to arm their models with access to private databases, greatly boosting the accuracy and relevance of their responses.

In the retrieval stage of RAG, the model dives into extensive databases to pull out information relevant to a user’s question. Here, Cohere’s Embed model supercharges this process by enhancing the model’s ability to understand context and semantics across millions, or even billions, of documents. Meanwhile, Cohere’s Rerank model further helps to improve the value of the information retrieved, optimizing the results across custom metrics, such as relevance and personalization.

Even without the extra muscle of Cohere’s Embed and Rerank models, Command R stands out in its class for its robust performance. But when these models work together, Command R’s abilities are dramatically enhanced, enabling it to excel in more complex environments with ease.


Beyond finding information, Command R is also designed to help developers automate complex tasks by leveraging a variety of tools. This means Command R can do much more than just generate text; it can help streamline workflows by interacting with databases, software tools, and more, making it a real asset in automating business processes.

The tools are now available via Cohere’s API.

Language, context length, access

Language-wise, Command R is not just limited to understanding but actively communicates in 10 key business languages. Plus, with Cohere's other tools, it can handle over 100 languages, making it incredibly versatile in pulling answers from a broad range of data sources, all in the user's preferred language.


Another big plus is Command R's ability to remember longer conversations (up to 128k tokens), paired with its more affordable pricing. This makes it even more appealing for businesses looking to leverage AI for more complex and detailed interactions.

Cohere is also sharing Command R with the research community for non-commercial use, showing its commitment to advancing AI research and development. For businesses, Command R is poised to simplify the deployment of AI projects, making them more efficient and useful in real-world applications.

Community feedback

Since its release, Command R has sparked a lot of discussion in the tech community. Here's a summary of what people are saying:

  • Performance and stability: Many users have noted that Command R performs well, handling complex tasks with ease. However, some have mentioned that it can crash after extended use.
  • Multilingual capabilities: Command R’s ability to work well in various languages has impressed many users. This feature is seen as a big plus when using the model in different countries.
  • Licensing concerns: There's a lot of talk about the licensing of Command R, specifically about the restrictions on commercial use under the CC-BY-NC license. But, some comments suggest that smaller companies might be able to discuss different terms with Cohere, showing there might be some wiggle room.
  • Tool use and practical applications: The model has been well-received for its strong tool use capabilities, which makes it useful for different types of work tasks.

Overall, the feedback is mostly positive, with people excited about Command R’s features.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, Command R from Cohere is a game-changer for businesses, adeptly managing complex data tasks with flair and supporting ten major languages. It blends rapid processing with precision, offers competitive pricing, and is open for non-commercial exploration. The buzz around its robust functionality and multilingual prowess is well-deserved. As it evolves, ongoing dialogue about its stability and licensing reveals just how much potential this cool tool has to reshape business tech landscapes.

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